dnastar is a good tool in DNA or Protein analysis, i think it is very easy to use, and the results are reliable.
here is the describtion of it:
DNASTAR Lasergene software consists of an integrated suite of seven modules that can be purchased in any combination. The modules of Lasergene are:
» SeqBuilder - visualization and sequence editing Video» SeqMan Pro - sequence assembly and SNP discovery» MegAlign - sequence alignment» PrimerSelect - oligo primer design» Protean - protein structure analysis & prediction» GeneQuest - gene finding» EditSeq - utility for importing unusual file types
The Data Manager enables data integration between the Lasergene modules so that edits, additions and deletions made to a sequence in one module will synchronize and automatically update when opened in most other modules.
Flexible licensing allows Lasergene to run as a standalone application or, for multiple user environments, to run with a networked license server using either our built-in licensing software or KeyServer from Sassafras. We also support organization-wide site licenses for many major research organizations.