Saturday, December 31, 2011

plant virus related review-4

Annual Review of Phytopathology
RNA-RNA Recombination in Plant Virus Replication and Evolution

Sztuba-Solińska, Joanna
Urbanowicz, Anna
Figlerowicz, Marek
Bujarski, Jozef J.

RNA-RNA recombination is one of the strongest forces shaping the genomes of plant RNA viruses. The detection of recombination is a challenging task that prompted the development of both in vitro and in vivo experimental systems. In the divided genome of Brome mosaic virus system, both inter- and intrasegmental crossovers are described. Other systems utilize satellite or defective interfering RNAs (DI-RNAs) of Turnip crinkle virus, Tomato bushy stunt virus, Cucumber necrosis virus, and Potato virus X. These assays identified the mechanistic details of the recombination process, revealing the role of RNA structure and proteins in the replicase-mediated copy-choice mechanism. In copy choice, the polymerase and the nascent RNA chain from which it is synthesized switch from one RNA template to another. RNA recombination was found to mediate the rearrangement of viral genes, the repair of deleterious mutations, and the acquisition of nonself sequences influencing the phylogenetics of viral taxa. The evidence for recombination, not only between related viruses but also among distantly related viruses, and even with host RNAs, suggests that plant viruses unabashedly test recombination with any genetic material at hand.

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Nature Reviews Microbiology 3, 917-924 (December 2005) | doi:10.1038/nrmicro1285

Symbiosis versus competition in plant virus evolution
Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection has been supported by molecular evidence and by experimental evolution of viruses. However, it might not account for the evolution of all life, and an alternative model of evolution through symbiotic relationships also has gained support. In this review, the evolution of plant viruses has been reinterpreted in light of these two seemingly opposing theories by using evidence from the earliest days of plant virology to the present. Both models of evolution probably apply in different circumstances, but evolution by symbiotic association (symbiogenesis) is the most likely model for many evolutionary events that have resulted in rapid changes or the formation of new species. In viruses, symbiogenesis results in genomic reassortment or recombination events among disparate species. These are most noticeable by phylogenetic comparisons of extant viruses from different taxonomic groups.

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Why do RNA viruses recombine?


Recombination occurs in many RNA viruses and can be of major evolutionary significance. However, rates of recombination vary dramatically among RNA viruses, which can range from clonal to highly recombinogenic. Here, we review the factors that might explain this variation in recombination frequency and show that there is little evidence that recombination is favoured by natural selection to create advantageous genotypes or purge deleterious mutations, as predicted if recombination functions as a form of sexual reproduction. Rather, recombination rates seemingly reflect larger-scale patterns of viral genome organization, such that recombination may be a mechanistic by-product of the evolutionary pressures acting on other aspects of virus biology.

Plant virus related Reviews

MPMI Vol. 24, No. 3, 2011, pp. 287–293. doi:10.1094/MPMI -09-10-0214

The Evolutionary Genetics of Emerging Plant RNA Viruses

Santiago F. Elena,1,2 Stéphanie Bedhomme,1 Purificación Carrasco,1 José M. Cuevas,1 Francisca de la Iglesia,1 Guillaume Lafforgue,1 Jasna Lalić,1 àngels Pròsper,1 Nicolas Tromas,1 and Mark P. Zwart1


Over the years, agriculture across the world has been compromised by a succession of devastating epidemics caused by new viruses that spilled over from reservoir species or by new variants of classic viruses that acquired new virulence factors or changed their epidemiological patterns. Viral emergence is usually associated with ecological change or with agronomical practices bringing together reservoirs and crop species. The complete picture is, however, much more complex, and results from an evolutionary process in which the main players are ecological factors, viruses' genetic plasticity, and host factors required for virus replication, all mixed with a good measure of stochasticity. The present review puts emergence of plant RNA viruses into the framework of evolutionary genetics, stressing that viral emergence begins with a stochastic process that involves the transmission of a preexisting viral strain into a new host species, followed by adaptation to the new host.