Friday, April 27, 2012

Gel extraction of DNA fragments running close together on your agarosegel

Gel extraction of DNA fragments running close together on your agarosegel
from fermentas

If the DNA fragment you would like to extract from a Gel is covert or run very close to a second DNA fragment you can perform a restriction digest with your DNA fragments before loading them on the gel. With the FastDigest® Restriction enzymes in a 5 min reaction.
Choose a restriction enzyme which only cuts in the DNA fragment you are not interested in. The fragment will now be much smaller and will not migrate together with your DNA fragment of interest any more. It is much easier to extract.
You can use the REviewer™ tool on the Fermentas homepage to paste in both sequences and analyse easy what FastDigest® enzyme to choose.

Closely running fragments can not be extracted without contamination

Digestion of second fragment leads to clear separation of fragment of interest

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