Type in the following:
makeblastdb -in file -out name -dbtype prot
(for a database of proteins)
makeblastdb -in file -out name -dbtype nucl
(for a database of DNA or RNA)
What it means:
- makeblastdb invokes the Blast accessory program to create the database
- -in tells the program that the path that follows leads to the input file.
- -out tells the program that the characters that follow should be used as the name of the database (you can name it anything you want, so long as you use 8 or fewer legal characters).
- -dbtype prot Tells the program "the
file does consist of protein sequences".
-dbtype nucl tells the program "the file consists of nucleotide sequences" - -hash_index tells the program "you should make an index of the identification numbers for the sequences" Frankly, I don't know what good the index does, but it's cheap.
WARNING #2: Windows XP and NT users may experience trouble cutting and pasting the command line makeblastdb. Evidently the system does something strange to the hyphens. Type the command in instead.
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