Monday, February 6, 2012

CELL Transcriptional Control of Gene Expression by MicroRNAs

Just listened the author's presentation, It is very good one, clear and interesting. the followsing is one paper he published on CELL in 2010,which is just small part of his talk.

During the discussion, there are some questions concerning the talk.

1, the specificity of the methylation,
2, the protein level changes whihc didn't mentioned in the talks and published papers.

    ► The moss DICER-LIKE1a (PpDCL1a) protein is required for miRNA biogenesis
    ► The related PpDCL1b protein is required for target cleavage but not miRNA biogenesis
    ► In PpDCL1b mutants, genes encoding miRNA targets are silenced by DNA methylation
    ► This epigenetic gene silencing is initiated by high miRNA to target RNA ratios


MicroRNAs (miRNAs) control gene expression in animals and plants. Like another class of small RNAs, siRNAs, they affect gene expression posttranscriptionally. While siRNAs in addition act in transcriptional gene silencing, a role of miRNAs in transcriptional regulation has been less clear. We show here that in moss Physcomitrella patens mutants without a DICER-LIKE1b gene, maturation of miRNAs is normal but cleavage of target RNAs is abolished and levels of these transcripts are drastically reduced. These mutants accumulate miRNA:target-RNA duplexes and show hypermethylation of the genes encoding target RNAs, leading to gene silencing. This pathway occurs also in the wild-type upon hormone treatment. We propose that initiation of epigenetic silencing by DNA methylation depends on the ratio of the miRNA and its target RNA.

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